Monday, March 31, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 90: The last of the undead ... for now

Final episode of season 4 of The Walking Dead, which also meant the end of our Monday afternoon ritual.

So on the way home from work I grabbed some chips, chocolate and mineral water and we had a season 4 finale viewing party which Aidan loved.

First Easter-y thing for the year - a Maltesers easter bunny - YUM!!

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 89: Lazy hazy cartooning Sunday

A lazy lovely chilled day with of course Insiders watched which makes this political cartoon all the more apropos.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 88: Dulwich Hill eating

Stayed overnight at Steve's and had a yummy brunch in Dulwich Hill ...

Then he cooked me a DELICIOUS dinner that night, all eaten by candlelight in hour of Earth Hour.

Fabulous, romantic and environmentally conscious night.

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 87: A flood of emotions

Off to North Sydney by train where Peter picked me up and drove me to Chatswood where we used his free tickets to see Noah which was a very weird movie.

Thankfully dinner at Mamak afterwards (even in pouring rain) was brilliant ... great Malaysian cuisine.

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TGIF Funnies - Friday 28 March 2014

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