Thursday, March 29, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 89 - Sushi for one

I was supposed to have a much delayed catch up dinner with my old work friend Vanessa tonight but 20 minutes before she was due to pick me up, as I sat at work expectantly, she cancelled thanks to a late request for something to be done urgently. It is frightening just how lacking in respect for peoples' lives my former employer is, and once again they have succeeded in robbing two people of a lovely night out.

So I went into the City myself - it's on the way home anyway - bought some after shave balm & deodorant at Priceline, some cute mutant Easter bunny/egg ornaments at Bed Bath and Table, and had a delightful sushi for one at Makanai near Pitt St Mall, tweeting as I went. (Oh and I couldn't open the wasabi packets which was weird. It was like they had sushi kryptonite nearby!)

Lovely. Then home to watch an episode of Sanctuary with my housemate before crashing out for an early night...



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