Friday, December 30, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 360 (Monday 26 December) - Boxing the day away

Another busy day with my lovely family.

First up some putt putt practice for Bodhi and Zara using the Toy Story set Zara got the day before...

Then off for the real thing plus lots of animal gazing at and looking at the Macadamia Castle at Knockrow, always a popular choice for my niece and nephew who love the train rides, the baby chicks, the rabbit holding and all the other fun activities...

We left Zara and Bodhi to spend more time with the animals (and their mums) and headed off with my brother and his fiancee to look around the markets in Bangalow...

Then we had a delightful lunch, as always, at Twisted Sista cafe in Byron Bay where the food is always delicious and consistently great...

But was that it for the day? Of course not? We had much to do and so back to Alstonville to cook steaks, make salads, and celebrate the engagement of my beautiful brother Steve to the delightful Amie with guests Jodie (who Steve's ex-flat mate, very good friend and a lovely person to talk to) and Narissa and Justin. A great night...

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