Monday, October 04, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 276 (Sunday 3 October) : Lazy Day in Daylight Saving Land

A blissful day.

A long lazy lay in, brunch (mushroom, oplives and cheese in bell peppers omelette plus apple & pear juice) on the balcony with my gorgeous guy, and a languid afternoon.

Finished off with a romantic dinner at Tandoori Palace on Oxford Street - well as romantic we could manage when both the waiters were on their first nights ever in the restaurant with no supervision and lots of panic on their parts! They were trying so hard, and the food was delicious, that I wasn't angry at them but it did make it hard to stare dreamily into my beloved's eyes when then waiters were ripping past our table with all the ease and panache of a class of ADHD-afflicted six year olds!

(Photos above - my gorgeous guy with his Hoops & YoYo gifts and the stunningly bright coluourful flowers he brought me. So lovely!)


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