Monday, October 04, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 275 (Saturday 2 October) : Yum Cha Finds its Way to me Again!

A delightfully lovely, if overcast day.

After a semi-langorous sleep in (as langorous as one can maange when you have to leave for the train at 10 a.m.), my darling guy and I enjoyed the delights of Yum Cha once again (third time lucky lately!) with my work friend, Tricia (who's on maternity leave) and her husband Gerald, a gorgeous daughter, Vivienne, who was perfectly behaved throughout the meal.

It was lovely to see Tricia after almost 8 months - she had come into work once or twice but never long enought to talk properly - and this time, we chose Palace Restaurant in Piccadilly Arcade, just off Pitt Street. The food was scrumptious, and time flew as we caught up on all the news that was fit to be had.

All Yum Cha'd up (see we have had it so often lately it is now a verb!), my gorgeous guy and I headed out for spot of relaxed, ambling shopping....firstly jeans and a business shirt for me, then classical CDs for him at Fish, pop CDs for me at Red Eye before catching the train via Circular Quay, which cann't be beaten for public transport views.

Rain or no rain, a perfect relaxed Spring Day topped by dinner that night with my lovely friends Warren, Peter, Ian and Fahmi at Tre Viet Restaurant on King Street, after drinks and nibblies at my place.

Oh, and somewhere in the middle of this lovely day, I got a text from my sister, Rachel, with the latest photo of my cuter-than-cute nephew, Bodhi. He is just adorable!


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