Monday, October 04, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 277 : Sneezing and Fire Alarms

What a weird mix you say.

Not so fast I say when you live in the eclectic Inner West where fire alarms in densely packed apartment clocks go off with rdiculous regularity - we may have all our music crammed into a device smaller than a ciagrette packet but we still burn the toast with uneasing alacrity - usually at 3.30 in the morning (not my boyfriend's apartment block, thank goodness but close enough to wake us up good and proper)...

...and where for no reason at all, I then spent the next hour, not getting back to snuggly sleep but rather, sneezing and snorting till I resorted, at my boyfriend's suggestion (who was his usual absolutely sweet caring self, even as I smorted and sneezed my way through the wee small hours) to Dimetapp Night capsules which stopped the blessed running tpa of my nose, and gave me much wanted zzzz's......

But it appears I now have a cold and the day has been spent sleeping endlessly in bed, reading, and missing out on a friend's birthday afternoon tea, which I hated missing because I am an extrovert and social events are not to be missed EVER. But my boyfriend's good sense prevailed and so I stayed home and slept the afternoon away while he and had fun and high tea with the gang.

Maybe he'll bring me back a scone?

He did! ...and more! Thanks to the kindness and generosity of the Birthday Boy, Brett, I got a wonderful care package with a savorury scone and a sweet scone, lollies, a piece of the birthday cake and some yummy small maccaroons.... totally delicious and a truly lovely gesture by Brett. Thank you!


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