Monday, October 25, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 298 : Rainy Days & Mondays.... Together! Arrgh!

I don't Mondays are universally reviled by all and sundry (sundry being particularly bitter about one Monday in 1963 that is best not discussed) but today was particularly open to revulsion right across the board.

Why you ask, feigning interest once again (keep feigning - that's all we extroverts really need!)?

It started with my walk at 5 a.m. when I was rounding the corner at Sydney Uni back onto King Street and swallowed a bug. A bug, I might add, that didn't appereciate being drawn into my oesophagus one little bit, and with his dying energy, kept moving ever so slightly in my throat. Apart from icky visuals that engenders, it caused me to cough like a banshee (they have no access to health care and consequently cough quiet badly on an ongoing basis) pretty much all the way home.... well at least until I got to Fahmi's to feed the cat, by which time I suspect my stomach acid has ended the bug's brief and poorly judged life.

The rain that had been falling on and off through my walk then became my bete noir of the moment. During the walk itself I hadn't minded it, and with the iPod safe in its leather cover, I enjoy the refreshing water on my face that wasn't sweat. Unfortunately the rain kept falling as I walked to the station later on, and came in at a delightful horizontal angle that successfully soaked my pants and the arm holding the umbrella.

Then I realised on reaching the station that I'd left ALL my food for the day at home. On the kitchen bench. Far from me and eventually from my digestive tract. (Thankfully I keep my breakfast cereal at work and a colleague gave me a Weight Watchers Ginger Kiss bar so it wasn't all lost.)

And then the train was late.

The Monday apocalypse had begun.....


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