Wednesday, October 20, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 293 : MX Close to Home

Today, rather pick up MX at the train station where I am one anonymous commuter among many, I was able to get it at work. Yes, at work! 

I have mixed feelings about it - some days, its light, bright, fluff-filled articles are perfect for a brain that's being assaulted by masses of information all day and just wants to switch to light 'n' easy mode for a while; other days I feel like I am making a pact with the media devil and surrendering myself to insipid banality so I stick with the Herald.

The good folks though handing it out at the employee exit were so all-American eager for me to have it, their pearly whites blindingly bright, and their face carrying the eagerness of puppies, that I could hardly refuse, and yes I read it... well at least for 2-3 minutes before sanity prevailed and I went back to the Herald.

Much as I hate to be snob, let's hope I can resist MX's siren song now it's so easily in reach....


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