Sunday, October 24, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 297 : Photos on a Rainy Cold Sunday

Today was one of those days that many people hate - well I do too if I caught out in it going to work - but I love... cold, rainy and gloomily atmospheric.Perfect for curling up with a good book or DVD... or special guy.

In my case, I got to sleep in with my beautiful man before we sat out on the balcony for a lazy breakfast of toast and the Herald's Good Weekend Quiz - contrary to the way that sentence reads, I ate only the toast, preferring to eschew my spy tendencies which urged me to eat the paper after reading it  - before he headed home to work and I went grocery shopping with my very good friend, Waz, and swimming alone (in a warm-ish indoor pool).

Feeling I had earned some sloth and indolence, I lazed the afternoon away, stopping my lethargy only to feed the cat and cook Morrocan meatballs for my guy and me for dinner.

I love this kind of weather, and the days it produces..... my perfect kind of days.


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