Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Project 289 - Day 196 : Hanging with The IT Crowd

This is the coolest show. Great scripts, wacky characters in almost surreal (yet scarily corporately normal) situations, and more laughs per square centimetre than there are secret nuclear facilities in Iran..... and tonight I found series 3 was out on DVD! Oh happy day!

But hark why was I out shopping on a Tuesday night? Why to meet my very close dear friend Ian for a heart to heart catch up chat over delicious Indian food at Tamana's on King Street, and as per a sacred tradition venerated and followed nigh on two years by us, we met at HUM, and lo' did the DVD leap into my hands screaming "Buy me! Buy me!" Actually no, it didn't.... but hey think what a possessed talking DVD set would have fetched on EBAY?!

Anyway, Ian and I had a brilliantly good night chatting and really that the point of the night and what made it such a good end to a chaotically busy day....


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