Monday, August 31, 2009

Project 289 - Day 166 (Sunday 30 August 2009): Back to the Airport Once More

Today before I left for the flight back to Mum and Dad's for my Great Aunt Lizzie's funeral (The arrival home that night was warm and wonderful as always and Mum had me feeding on her delectable chicken & veges soup and sticky date pudding before I'd barely walked in the door!; I also had a delightful time talking to Mum and my lovely cousin Rebecca), I continued the carpark theme of Friday night and Saturday with cheesy carpark shots - well Kerry and I anyway do our best Japanese tourist poses! Ichiban! - and didn't the crowds love it!

We did get one or two weird stares from people (Odd really.... I mean who doesn't want holiday snaps taken in the airport car park?! Doesn't everyone do that?!) but I am used to that, as is Kerry and my beautiful guy (none of us are particularly enamoured of doing the 'done thing' just for the sake of it!)

Lest you think we spent the entire day in airport carparks - we were tempted to trust me, so beautiful and architecturally inspiring are they! LOL - Kerry managed to catch up finally with her friend Carla for brunch at Berkelouw's Bookshop in Newtown while my beautiful guy and I ran some errands at K-Mart.... yes I know! Do I live the high life or what?! K-Mart and an airport car park in the same day? I know how envious you must be... I can see the irridescent green glow from here.....
On a more serious note, it was a tough day. I was trying so hard to behave as if it was business as usual but the emotional stress of that got to me and I broke down at one point. Thankfully my beautiful guy especially was enormously warm, caring and supportive, and I made it through what felt like a very dark day in some respects. Thank goodness for the most wonderful partner in the world and my dear friend Kerry.


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