Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Project 289 - Day 148 : All That Glitters is a Fake Lamington

Tonight I did not paint fake lamingtons.

Instead I slathered them in glue, and covered them - all 10 of them! - in silver and white shredded paper cut into itsy bitsy teeny weeny polka dot.... no wait, there were no bikinis involved if I recall..... anyway, I covered them in incredibly small faux coconut-like pieces that amazingly made cardboard boxes painted in lamington-esque brown and pink look like lamingtons.

Thankfully, and my digestive system is forever grateful, I resisted the urge to chomp on down, and instead admired them, and posed before them. Then it being late at night, and exhausted from bending over bright fake lamingtons for 3 hours plus, I headed home, perchance to not dream of iconic Australian baked goods.....


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