Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Project 289 - Day 141 : A Desk With a Fist is Better Than None

I had an enormously stressful crappy day, and really this fist neatly encapsulates what I wanted to do one colleague too many who decided to shook the Outlook messenger.

My day involves a lot of use of Outlook, as you no doubt may have noticed from my blogs. I don't hate the system as such (although liking Microsoft is akin to sleeping with Satan so take it as a given that I don't adore, love and want to have Outlook's children) but familiarity breeds great oceans of contempt, and I have plenty of opportunities for familiarity to creep in. 

In any given day, I can move multiple meetings, usually because of a request from our executive level, or a major stakeholder (WARNING : Corporate jargon : all users of intelligible English are requested to stand clear!), and the knock on effect on everyones' calendars can be considerable. Usually people are understanding, and know that you aren't moving meetings out of some bizarre sprite-like desire to wreak havoc and mayhem for the hell of it.

Not so today. Not 1, not 2, but 3 people, who should know better, got more than a little angsty when I moved meetings that had to be moved. I didn't want to move them. I would've been joyously happy to leave basking in their fabulously neat coloured calendar slots, but greater forces than I decreed they be moved, and it was so....

Usually I can shrug it off, but today I took it all a little too personally by the end of things, and came back from the final encounter with an ungrateful (albeit stressed) jerk of a colleague, and banged my desk hard with both fists instead of telling him exactly what I thought of him, which would have broken all sorts of rules on office decorum, HR policy, and quite possibly, his face. (Unlikely as I have never struck anyone in my life, but I was sorely tempted!)

Thankfully only my desk suffered, an act so loud it got noticed, and I was offered chocolate (which I declined- what a good, or stupid, boy am I!) and consolation and I calmed down. At least I had the bus and train trip home to chill and now I am waiting for my beautiful guy to arrive with dinner, and a kiss.

So at least the day is ending with love, not war.....


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