Monday, July 27, 2009

Project 289 - Day 131 (Sunday 26 July 2009) : All Washed Up

What fun is the day after a party!

Why there's all that cleaning up.... vacuuming.... taking down of decorations.... removal of drunk friends (Wait! It wasn't that kind of party although an 18 month old did throw up - does that count?).... and washing up.... so much washing up....

Unless you have a dishwasher in which case, it's lots of stacking and unstacking and re-stacking..... and frankly who doesn't find that an existential thrill of epic proportions?! Clean freaks maybe, but not me!

So in honour of The Day After, here's a picture of my dishwasher at 10pm after it had just doggedly washed a 4th load of dishes from the party.....

Yes I am oddly moved too..... or.....


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