Yes I am invoking pirate-speak for my title today, and while I don't personally know any pirates, nor am I one, it seems quite fitting to use their lingo for the title..... OK it's not fitting at I just like the way it sounds....
Melbourne Cup
After months of planning, budgetary issues, and last minute glitches, a group of co-workers and I threw a humdinger of a Melbourne Cup function at work.... we had a BBQ, sweeps (I got the winner, "Viewed" and the third place getter, "C'est la Guerre"... one of the few times I have not been left minding those horses destined for the glue factory!), prizes, funky fascinators, and everyone socializing up a storm...... it's always great when these things work, and everyone jumps in feet first... and gets totally smashed..... I mean participates....LOL (Nov 4)
President Barack... oh yeah!!!
I am rarely thrilled by political anything anymore, even though I am a political junkie (Yeah just one more hit of broken promises, man..c'mon, I am good for it..... you know I am man) but as I spent yesterday absolutely fascinated as I watched the unfolding march of Barack Obama towards the Presidency of the USA, and an historic first... and yes, I was profoundly moved by his speech and the groundswell of hope and joy that greeted his arrival on the stage at Grant Park, Chicago... I know reality can be cruel especially when you have a GFC (Global Financial Crisis), two pointless wars, and a divided national psyche on your hands, but you can only hope that Barack's only legacy won't be that he is the first African-American President of the USA.... that is an amazing, exciting thing in itself, but if it is joined by healing and real change in American society, then that will be something to truly get jazzed about! Go Barack!!! (Nov 5)
I am into the swimming in a big way hitting 1 km most days (except when people join my lane and force me to pick up the pace to the point where I just stop!) and back into the walking, and loving how fit and energized I feel.. not to mention fitting into a small... yes, small! .... shirt at Daly Male, my favourite clothing store in the world, last Saturday.... yes, I celebrate the small things! (Nov 6)
Dates, fruits, and a nice blended smoothie of love
I am back into dating after a hiatus and so far so interesting.... while I won't comment on what's happening with who (I am not a gossip guru! Hmm, maybe I should be....), it never ceases to fascinate me that the road to love is rarely smooth.... sometimes I think 'Damn it! It should be!"
But then life rarely responds well to petulant demands!! Suffice to say, I am meeting some beautiful men and we'll see if Mr Right is somewhere in the mix.... here's hoping.....