Friday, October 31, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Dang Those Decibels of Death!
I think my ears have finally stopped ringing.... which is a good thing because Tinitis is not one of those fun things that you'll regale with fondness in your yearly Christmas newsletter to the folks back home, nor recount as an achievement worthy of accolades and a story on A Current Affair..... no, it's just very annoying, and feels much like having a miniature Hunchback of Notre Dame ringing his bells inside your head while your lie with your head under a pillow in 10m of water... so how did I come to have the Bells of St Clements peeling inside my head?
Friday, October 10, 2008
I will have my pigeon to go, please
Ah, life in Sydney.... caught the train home last night squashed like a sardine (actually I secretly envy sardines and their roomy abodes), swam 750m, ate a healthy dinner, downloaded some tunes from iTunes including Snow Patrol's brilliant new song "Take Back the City", went to bed early (OK early-ish...I am addicted to a sci-fi saga at the moment by Kevin J Anderson and I had to keep reading! ), woke up at 4.45 and walked for an hour........... and I saw pigeons feeding on vomit...... yes folks, not only was someone not able to hold their drink, but the by-product of their over-imbibing fed a family of Sydney pigeons, and oh frabjous day, I got to see it.... naturally this being Sydney, the drinker had no doubt just eaten a gourmet meal at a nearby restaurant and so at least the pigeons got to eat well.... they are gourmand rats of the sky here after all..... I can picture them on holidays in Paris eating baguette-infused protein spills (vomit to lay people) and following up with a few sips from a stagnant puddle in the gutter, which this being Paris, was probably spilled from an Evian bottle..... yes Sydney is where I am more than likely to see it all, even if I don't want to.....
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
"Run!" he said. "OK, well just walk quickly then"
In a clear sign that I have been consumed by a raging madness (as opposed to those calming, zen-like madnesses, I guess), I got up at 4.45 a.m. today to meet my friend, Fahmi, for an hour of full-on, footpath-pounding, other-hyphenated-words power walking.... the air was crisp and clean.... well, crisply cold at least... with all that smog, clean is highly unlikely.... and as always I actually enjoyed it. Of course, I would rather be snuggled in bed with a significant other, a few bars of chocolate, a novel and a rainy day, but given that unique confluence of events and items, I have more chance of marrying a Yeti and traveling with him to Mars on vacation, so walking is probably a more likely use of my time....
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
When the wild blue waters swallowed me whole
Don't you just love a wildly melodramatic headline? So much better than "I swam 750m in the 25m pool in my apartment complex!".... Yep I am not exactly shaking in my boots either! But that's not really the point. Let's face it - swimming laps is not exactly the most scintillating of exercise's all up and down a water-filled trough of tile-covered concrete, your only distraction the fantastically blue line that threads down the centre of the tiles to... why the end of the lane of course! The crowd roars with excitement while over-excitable ladies, and men collapse with the heart-stopping thrill of it, only revived by the heady smell of enough chlorine to kill off a colony of seals somewhere in Bass Strait....
Monday, October 06, 2008
I am an evil iPod parent and should be sold into slavery with Microsoft!
A dramatic headline it is true but I am prone to dramatic flourishes especially when emotions are running high.... and running high they are ever since I callously discarded my old iPod in the Apple Temple in George Street in Sydney City, all to get 10% discount on the brand new iPod I was buying.... the speed with which I handed over my first bought iPod was frightening and shocking especially since it had saved me from going quietly mad in many bland airport terminals - OK it is doubtful I would ever do anything quietly, including going mad, which let's face it, kind of cried out for a voluble soundtrack! - and came with me on various trips to Malaysia, Canada and to my parents' Ancestral Estate in Alstonville NSW... I loved that inanimate piece of technology with a devotion that my digital camera and PC could never quite muster.... here for the first time was a small tiny piece of metal and circuits that managed to contain all the precious music that has acted as the soundtrack to my lifestyle, and that selflessly (well I don't speak digital so I doubt I'd have understood if it had complained) kept playing year after year for 4.5 years until one day.... yes one day.....sob.... I....I...