Sunday, March 31, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 90 - Easter Sunday bunnies!

Yay Easter Sunday!

Steve and I exchanged our Easter baskets - mine was yellow-themed this year with a plush duck called Puddleduck front and centre - and Steve gave me a giant red Dolci Dio egg in a basket with a flattened rabbit struggling to hold it ... and the surprised me later with a giant 1kg white chocolate bunny!

Then we sat down for home made bacon and egg rolls, and hot cross buns with Aidan on the balcony.

Perfect morning before Steve headed off to do some work and a catch up with Brett and I napped and blogged and read ...

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 89 - The Easter Tree riseth ... and I gathereth with the gang

After a day of blogging and reading and with just over an hour till I was due to go out, I was suddenly inspired to put up the Easter Tree ... and so, with Aiden's help, I did!

Then my guy arrived, met Peter and Waz down at the corner near Waz's place, collected Fahmi at his place and barely 5 minutes later in Moose Bar drinking a delicious vodka-laced cocktail. Mmmm ... followed by dinner at Matee with lots of wine ...

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 88 - Home from holidays

It's frightening just how quickly holidays go by.

We had a wonderful, relaxing time together and it was sad it had to end especially after the perfection and quiet of the night before.

But by 10 we'd checked out without too much panic and fuss and breakfast, and with our first Kookaburra sighting of the and left via very nearby Chichester Dam, which was beautiful (also with a Kookaburra!). We met briefly a lovely group who took photos of us after we took photos of them and while we were both tired - Steve still wasn't feeling the best - it was worth making the stop before driving home.

To the dam!

Goodbye Dungog and on home to Sydney ...

Another Malteser bunny each! (my treat from petrol station)

Lunch (home made salmon and salad, and egg sandwiches plus rolls) at Brooklyn on the Central Coast at a park with a gorgeous view even if it was perched over a busy boat ramp and on the edge of a busy carpark. (Oh and the Brooklyn Bridge looked nothing like I remembered it! LOL)

Then past the sandstone cliffs that used to excite me so much as a child because it meant we were coming in to Sydney - LOL not really as Nanna and Granpa were still 1 1/2 hours away at Cronulla but hey! - and over the Bridge and home ...

 PLUS ***BIG*** milestone - yay!!

And two cute shots from Rachel of Bodhi playing dressup...

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