Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 296 - Roadtrip 1 - off to Ulladulla

9.09 a.m. Breakfast of Weetbix and muesli before hitting the road! I am ridiculously excited about going away alone for 6 days with my beautiful man touring the south coast. We have been trying for so long to have a holiday and it's here! I shall do the Snoopy Dance of Joy for Country Trips... Nothing gay here, nothing queeny to see...

9.45 a.m. Hit the road after breakfast (Weetbox - carbo loading!), last minute packing.... stopped for petrol, air at Carrs Park, whipped through the Shire, and kept hurling down the road south, first stop Berry. 

I took Camera Smurf along for the ride. We actually left 10 minutes earlier than the clock in the car says

Whizzing along the freeway near Royal National Park

My gorgeous guy concentrating on driving

12.05 p.m. Went to Contemporary Arts and Crafts first to check out lights my gorgeous guy had liked last time, and found the cutest red one of a kind dog made of clay, which I didn't buy (but my guy might have possibly for a present when I wasn't looking). Lunch @ the bakery on the street, chilled for a while, looking in other shops - didn’t get any donuts which was something I have never done in Berry since the donuts are so good! - then left town bound for all points south.

2.18 p.m. Kept going thru Bomaderry, Nowra, before turning off to Huskisson which was cute, and beyond beautiful. The beach sands of Shark Net Beach were stunning white, the water an ethereal mix of jade/aqua and crystal blue, with sharks eggs littering the seaweed remnants. Captivating beyond words and all too brief a walk along the beach and the paths next to it. We also drove through Vincentia and Hyam’s Beach where the bay was so vividly green we had to stop and take more photos. Gorgeous!

The entrance to Nowra

4.15 p.m. Left for Ulladulla, our stop for the night, reaching there about 5.30 p.m., checked into the guesthouse which is surrounded by a lush jungle garden, and where the service is wonderful - champagne and pistachio nuts on arrival, and port/chocolates when we got back from dinner - even if the furniture and decor is a tad twee and floral. Who cares? Its clean, close to food - we dined at a country Chinese restaurant called Harbour Asian Cuisine with some non cliched dishes on it (lamb with peanut and coconut sauce, and lime and lemongrass chicken, all of which tasted yummy even if too goopy/entrees goopy San Choy Bow and delicious salt and pepper King Prawns) even if the photo in the pamphlet made a bland restaurant decor looked funky Newtown cool. LOL. We were stuffed when we left but thankfully had a walk back to the guesthouse where we watched Terra Nova, which alarmed me by being sponsored by Caricare Toddler, which confirmd my worst suspicions that it’s too family focussed to be hard edged.... oh, and thankfully, for MGG’s sake, extra pillows in the blanket box so he can have his requisite three!

The highlight of the meal - salt and pepper prawns

Port and chocolate awaited us on our return - very nice touch

Awesome if tiring day. Night!

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