Friday, October 21, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 294 - Last Day! Farewell to Optus 5

7.33 a.m. A text from my gorgeous guy arrives wishing a wonderful final day at Optus. He always knows just what to say to make a great day even better

8.06 a.m. Final bus to Optus, and yes being the crazy sentimentalist I am, I have kept the ticket! I also got my favourite seat on the first rise just as you go into the back of the bus. It may seem like a small thing but I love those kind of small moments where something special happens just when you'd sentimentally like it to...

8.10 a.m. Over the Harbour Bridge one last time on a bus. From now on it'll be a train and nowhere near as far. In fact, right now I'd be at work... Noice...

8.18 a.m. Last run through the Lane Cove Tunnel! Sunglasses off as usual for the duration and thankfully the bus driver has left the lights on so I can read...

8.19 a.m. Must read Metro! The rest of the day will be so crazy busy I won't have time...

The walkway that ran from building D (where you got off and on the bus right through to A where I worked). This shot was taken in building C where the training rooms are.

8.40 a.m. Got to walk to find a lovely present from Silvana, the temporary Internal Communications specialist! I had taken my breakfast cereal home so she gave me a special survival pack. How sweet is she?!

9.01 a.m. A lovely long breakfast at my TGIF breakfast place of choice, Rocket, with the very lovely Michele and Genia. Gorgeous sunny but cool day, multigrain toast with butter, peanut butter and honey (my usual) and a Miss Strawberry smoothie, lots of fun conversation, and no need to rush back to my desk (breakfast lasted till 10.30 a.m.). Bliss....

The walk from building A down to E & F, a walk I did many times

Looking over towards E

They really made the place look quite lovely

Looking down towards Rocket, Cantina Fresco, and Kymm Wok from Sushi Roll and the convenience store

My last TGIF brekkie

The delightful Genia and Michele

The walkway up to B and C courtyard where Jam n Spoon is

Genia (front), Michele & I

10.36 a.m. Hmm better clear out the URLs on my browser.....some I don't want to lose....

10.54 a.m. Frantically spent 1 1/2 hours quickly rushing my successor, Mary, through the handover pack, Dashboard Hot To and watching her brain synapses seize, and smoke pour from her ears. She is an EA here already so knows all the systems but will have her hands full learning all the people, processes etc but she's bright, personable and will do just fine....

12.35 p.m. Off to Mac Centre for lunch with Shawn G who went to all the trouble of coming in on his day off. Shouted me lunch at The Bagel Company, a favourite of mine and his, and we talked about life at Optus and where he wants to go in his career. Plus he loves Coldplay as much as I do, so we had to go and buy the new album out today, Mylo Xyloto as soon as we got to the shopping centre. I had the best time, and so touched Shawn went to all that trouble...

2.54 p.m. My guy called for the last time on my work landline..... he's so lovely....he joked I should take my landline number so he can keep calling me on it.... he's so cute....

3.02 p.m. onwards... People almost lined up at my desk to say goodbye as I rushed to finalise everything I could- expense reports, emails, and an eerily empty inbox!! Jim, Becky, Mikel, Stuart, Dimitri, Manish, Murray P, Sarah H et al all took the time to come over and say goodbye which touched me more than words can express. I am leaving behind an awesomely wonderful group of people who have made being at Optus a great experience even when the job overstayed it's welcome...

Avec the lanyard!

My desk, cleaned off of anything personal and ready for it's new tenant

My empty inbox!

4.25 p.m. Finally switched off the lap top as Sandra almost dragged me off to drinks at Jam n Spoon. Not a massive turnout as I left on the day everyone had events on but Sandra (who as my fellow EA made the job so much easier) came along as did my sweet friend Sammi, my boss Vicki (do glad she came to say goodbye!), Stephanie L, Maria Harrison (who as the HR lady was such a wonderful source of support especially during the nightmare of April 2011 when I confronted a workplace bully and lost), Willy and Amanda C who's been such a great friend since the very early days. I am so lucky to have made these friends. I will miss them ( oh and to my delight, Forethought, a company I have worked with sent me a box of lolls to say goodbye - AWESOME!!!)... oh and I drank 3 wines ... Very fuzzy! Lol

Sandra, my delightful EA colleague, and Stephanie L

Amanda C and me
Sammi and me
Amanda, Willy & Sammi

My now ex-boss, Vicki, and Maria H, loveliest HR person in the world

'Look Ma, my soon to be handed in photo ID!'

6.05 p.m. Last bus out of Dodge. Odd to hand in my pass at security knowing that was it. The head security congratulated me on escaping! Lol. That cracked me up :) 

My last walk down the corridor

... then out the doors to my final Optus bus ride ever

I had a final chat to Francisco my favourite bus marshal and friend, gave him some of the lollies and headed back to Erskineville for the farewell dinner with Tricia, Sammi & her partner, my gorgeous guy, and my friend Fahmi..

This was supposed to be crowned by pink fairy floss  but they ran out :(

Tricia is really having a good time with Fahmi - honestly
Gelato for dessert @ Gelato Blue. YUM!!
7.20 p.m. Drinks at the Rose with Tricia (who looked lovely in her dress), Fahmi and my gorgeous guy (sadly Sammi couldn't make it at the last minute) - yummy and quite masculine pink Cosmos LOL - followed by a delicious dinner in the back courtyard of Stir Crazy Thai. Tricia was so wonderful to organise it all, and turn up even though it meant quite a trip from Eastwood. She is truly a beautiful friend, and is one the things I will always value Optus for...



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