Wednesday, December 01, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 334 (Tuesday 30 November 2010) : Victory is Mine!

I did it!

I made it way past 50,000 words in the National Novel Writing Month (known as NaNoWriMo), an international, web-based writing 'contest' which encourage people to stop procrastinating and finally write that novel they have been meaning to write for years! In my case, that was the second novel in my Indio Zoop trilogy, Indio Zoop's Darker Shade of Oblivion, and while it was tough at times to write 2000 + words every day (I missed 5 days over my birthday but I was so far ahead at that point there wasn't an issue), especially when I was tired, it was also a creative blast finding my characters again and enjoying sending on another slightly wacky fantasy adventure.

Much thanks to my wonderful friend Justin, who found the 'contest' (not really a contest since everyone getting past 50,000 words is a Winner) and encourage me every step of the way with Word Count checks daily, and nifty graphs that charted my progress, and to my beautiful guy who is supportive and loving generally but kept cheering me on in his delighful, lovely way.

So what now? Well now I need to get book 1 properly edited, start doing the re-draft of book 2, set up the Indio Zoop website, Facebook fan page, Twitter account, get e-books ready for publishing on, and, and maybe eveb do a podcast of the book! Phew! It will be a lot of work but so worth it in the end if it leads to a publishing deal and gives me a longer for career as a writer.

Onward and upward!


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