Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 334: Beves and Noah ... and cake

Got a gorgeous shot from my brother Steve today of he and his son Noah ... so sweet ...

And yes I ate one of the pieces of cake leftover from last night already ... no willpower ... while Steve was at ACO with Alan ...

Helen suspects this might be the last year that Zara can do the MYER Santa Train :D

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Saturday, November 29, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 333: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Part 3

Started the day off with a breakfast brunch at Southend, which looks likes it's in new hands, with Steve, Ellen, Tracy and Susie, who came up from The Shire via train.

We had a wonderful time, even if the food wasn't quite what it once was, talking like there's no tomorrow as is our way, before stopping for pics at St Peters station naturally ...

I went home for a nap while Steve went to get his haircut, and then that night everyone came to my place around 6.30pm for champers and nibblies - we only realised we ate too many dips, chips etc when we got to the restaurant but ah well - before we walked up Sydney Park Rd admiring the GORGEOUS to Yiamas Greek Tavern for a beautiful, yummy HUGE birthday dinner with LOTS of food, fabulous service and fun atmosphere ... and then back to my place for cake! Yay! And more shots with an inflatable Olaf Steve had kindly bought for me.

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