Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 151: Happy Vivid Birthday Fahmi!!

'Twas Fahmi's official birthday dinner night out, a few days before the big day itself, and we headed into City for drinks. Went to wrong bar down a hidden narrow lane - Peter had suggested it and we went to the other more visible one called The Barbershop rather than the one hidden down what looked like service stairs - but had a fabulous time (Stephen Moore just joined us for dinner) before dinner at Chinta Ria and a tour of Vivid's lights, which frankly were more than a tad disappointing this year.

Still fabulous, if late night out (got a train home just before midnight) ...

Escalator at Darling Harbour

Group selfie on a closed off George Street

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