Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 365 - HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Last day in Alstonville.

Made sure we spent plenty of time with the kids including holding Jordan while she slept ...

Yummy Ballina fish and chips!

Then off to Ballina airport for the flight home, where we were greeted by some very Christmassy luggage carousels and picked up by Fahmi at about 6pm ...

Then back to my place, which was pre-vacuumed and cleaned up, ready for the NYE party which happened just 2 hours after we got home ...

Ian ran a game where we had to pick a prize and if someone else wanted it had to give it them and pick another one. I loved my CD of remixed jazz!

The unit opposite in Verve

For the midnight fireworks, Ian and Ingo, Dorothy and Fahmi walked across to Sydney Park to watch the fireworks from there while Steve and I, Peter and Warren stayed put ... and yes Steve and I kissed at midnight! 

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