Monday, September 30, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 273 - Bathurst! #DayOne

Off bright and early (6 a.m.) for Bathurst. I decided to spend a week with Steve in Bathurst where he works Monday - Thursday since I can look for work, blog etc from wherever I am.

Stopped at the organic coffee place in Lithgow where Steve often stops. Old Pizza Hut place and woman who runs has barely changed a thing bar signage. Fun to see where Steve stops, and route he takes.

Steve went off to work and I wandered around the shops in town and the park, stopping for a 20 minute chat with Mum and Dad while sitting on a bench in the street, and then parked myself at Ellie's Cafe (Staff so friendly!) on my own shaded private table for 2 hours or so to blog. Wonderful!

Mineral water and omelette ... got lots of looks as I sat there tapping away, headphones and sunglasses on ... everyone else was TALKING ... refreshing change from Sydney

My view from the table

Then Steve collected for a lovely healthy salad lunch at The Hub ... food was fresh, inventive and delicious ... then we checked into the Heritage Inn where he stays ... then I headed off for 20 minute walk to Bathurst Metro Cinemas to see Runner, Runner ...

Steve got back around 7 and we headed out for dinner to Lo's Rose Chinese Garden Restaurant for some country Chinese food ... which turned out to be quite good (we ordered the meals we grew up eating like Lemon Chicken and Mongolian Lamb) ...

We even got the chocolates with the bill ... just like old times!

And a quick fun shot of Zara with her best babychino face ...

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