Sunday, April 15, 2012

Swimming Pretty in the Glass-Half-Full 2012: Day 106 - Tapas teamwork

Everyone from work gathered at Cheeky Monkey cooking school today for a tapas cooking class along with about 12-13 other people. It was paid for by my lovely boss Valerie to thank everyone for their hard work with the Best Australian Blogs competition last year.

It was so much fun! The presenter, Rachel and her assistants Justin and Emma were lots of fun, the recipes were delicious and wonderfully easy to cook, and we had so much fun as a team cooking them. Plus we got to wear nifty chef's hats with our names on, drink champers at the beginning and eat everything we cooked for lunch.

An awesome time.

This is the best way to get skins off red capsicums

The capsicum down the line and ready to eat

The mussels were delicious

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