Monday, September 07, 2009

Project 289 - Day 174 : Dip!!

Last night my beautiful guy cooked me the most wonderful dinner - a delicious spicy chorizo sausage and tomato sauce through pasta with a delightful salad (with no tomato, thank the vege gods, as tomato is an evil fruit and must be punished!) followed by baclava and ice cream (a good thing I swam 750m tonight!LOL).

But the highlight was the dip above which he placed into the antique Italian dip dishes that I bought him for his birthday. His reasoning, and I can't argue with sweet romantic reasoning, is that it was a very special gift from a very special person (fairly certain that's me!) and so he wanted to use it for the first time with me. Awwwww.....

Its those thoughtful touches that make me fall in love just a little bit more with him, if that's possible....

OK, those of those with an aversion to romantic corniness may throw up now.......


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