Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bits and Pieces of Reflection

Well it's been a very interesting start to 2009 and I have to say I am loving it. Whereas 2008 was sweet but uneventful, and resplendent with one too many disappointing moments (mostly love related natch! LOL), 2009  exploded into iridescent glory, and raced along like an ADHD kid full of Skittles and Pepsi Max..... so what's been good, great and less than wonderful so far?

(1) Diving headlong into all the wonderful things Sydney has to offer in Summer.... Jazz in the Domain (Jan 17) was a ton of fun and for once not baking hot thanks to lower temps and clouds.... gathered a bunch of great friends together, spread the rugs everywhere, bought out all the cheeses, crackers, salads, chicken, fruit and cake, poured the wine and listened to....jazz? Well not exactly!! What we ended up with was some sort of bizarre Romanian/Macedonian/Tunisian electro rock polka funk kidding.... they were energetic yes but jazz? Not so sure.... by the end of it we were dancing just to fill in the time..... key was the wonderful company of my friends, and one very special friend...

(2) Yes folks after thinking that I was destined to grow old with 20 cats, telling them stories of my youth over and over til they clawed me to death in an orgy of feline fury, I have met the most delightful sweet man who makes me remember that life can be a very good thing indeed....

(3) Now for the less than stellar part.... I have just spent the third week in sick at home with bronchitis....not even sure where it came from really since no one I know has anything remotely like it.... naturally I like to strike out on my own path and have my very own illness unique to me and in that at least I have succeeded brilliantly.....the one bright spot was my wonderful guy coming and making me delicious dinners and fussing over me, which was so very sweet, and reminded me that even when things feel like crap, that you see the very best from those you care about.....

Yep 2009 looks like being an absolute corker! Here's to the next 11 months.....

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