Sunday, June 15, 2008

Death and All His Friends......

Yes I have a new crowd of friends and frankly while they are a little morbid, they do a fine line in black eyeliner and white face paint..... seriously I am immersing myself in Coldplay's new CD, "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends", and I find myself falling in love with it, something I didn't manage with "X & Y". I tried and tried to love "X & Y" as much as "Rush of Blood to the Head" but just like with "The Lion King" (yep didn't like that either despite repeat viewings....yep you may stone me now outside Sleeping Beauty's Castle), I just couldn't do lacked the sheer inventiveness and zest of "Rush...." and I finally had to admit that "X & Y" and I would never truly bond...... so imagine my trepidation (go on, imagine it!!) when I picked up "Viva La Vida" and discovered an album of exquisite beauty and sensitivity, lyrical vulnerability and gut-wrenching emotions married with heart-tugging short, all the things I adored about Coldplay in the first place.....

In the wake of the disappointment that was "X & Y", I had mighty satisfying dalliances with Keane (still brilliantly good at capturing emotions in a song that stay with you long after listening) and Snow Patrol, but I suspect I now have to recommit my true Britpop love to Coldplay, who have returned to the sort of form that makes lesser bands weep.....

All this on a cold Winter's day with intermittent rain....perfect weather to soak in the emotionally-delicate ambience of the new Coldplay CD....

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