Monday, January 28, 2008

Long time, no blog...has the world changed?

So it's been a while since the old blog was updated sad to say....actually there's very little emotional swirl attached to saying that but it sounds suitably contrite and a little melodramatic... I am not entirely sure who pressed the Fast Forward button on my life, and pushed me so far into the future, which interestingly has an eerie resemblance to the present, but the blog entry I am absolutely positively intended to do the next day never materialized... until now ...... there may be issues of alien abduction involved here, or a Bermuda Triangle disappearance, and really that would be far more dramatic, but in reality, I just got busy...far too busy...and a little lazy.....

But I am lazy no more! (He says with a flourish of the cape he doesn't have).....and yes the world has changed....well mine has anyway....since that last entry, I have finally left my old job (which was killing me with stress...alas not kindness.... and giving very little back) and got a great new one (which makes sense...getting a crappy new one would have been a village idiot kind of thing to do).... moved from The Shire (way down in Sydney's deep dark southern suburbs) to my natural home in the Inner West (I can hear David Attenborough narrating the doco now)..... and started exploring a whole new neighbourhood, life... and a great pizza place (this ranks very high on great new things in my life!)......

...and today is a blissful glorious day off, which naturally, as an office worker chained to a PC, I am partially spending at my good old Australia Day and the magnificent public holiday it brings.... after a week of frantic deadlines, and many social outings, all I plan to do today is read the rest of a novel (yes fast living folks!!) and take a nap..... stellar high-reaching goals I know but I daresay achievable by dint of their ordinariness.....


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