Tuesday, May 30, 2006


"The Three Burials of Malquiades Estrada", which I saw last night, is a profoundly touching movie that examined everything from racism in the USA and how this affects their border policies, the callous disregard for life bred into people who treat the illegal immigrants as less than animals with no understanding that they are people with lives too (something that is beautifully underlined later in the movie when the border patrol guard kidnapped by Tommy Lee Jones's character, Pete Perkins, comes face to face with a Mexican woman he assaulted back in the USA when arresting her, who was deported back to Mexico), and the loneliness and disengagement of people from others, or their homes - whether its the border patrol guard 1000s of miles from home, or the Mexican immigrant who makes a home in the USA but with the constant threat of deportation, which makes true interaction with their adopted land well nigh impossible, or the wife of the cafe owner in the border town who is married but plays around on the side so emotionally estranged from her husband is she. It was a slow moving drama, with a rich tapestry of characters, and in amongst all the grimness, quite a bit of macabre humour which softened the unrelenting harshness of the landscape and the lives of the people in it........all in all, a brilliant, emotionally evocative movie.....

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