Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 348: Christmas shopping ... and dinner with Ian and Ingo and Fahmi

First up some Christmas shopping in the City with Steve (followed by a much-needed nap at my place; all that walking tuckers out a boy LOL), followed by a casual dinner with Steve, Ian and Ingo and Fahmi on the balcony of my apartment ...

No Cityfail I will not buy from you! Is that a joke? 

Playing around in HobbyCo while looking for a gift for Noah - after wandering through ABC Shop and Sportsgirl where we found all of Stella's gift in one shop!

Lunch, I need lunch ... sushi in Myer foodcourt

Zara's got a cupcake short named after her middle name!

Steve is SO tired poor guy :)

Then dinner which featured dips and rice crackers, Thai food from Doytao and Christmas pudding/ice cream/custard/raspberry coulis for dessert ...

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