Thursday, June 09, 2005

What a very merry Hump Day

Actually no it really wasn't but who am I title something "It was a bland and boring day"? No doubt that has already been used elsewhere anyway......trusth is it was just another average day for the most part till the Exports manager at work, who has become a reasonably good work friend, called me aside to ask if I would be interested in a job as Coordinator in that department. Apart from challenging me, and goodness knows I could do my current job with my eyes closed, in a semi-comatose state, and with a troop of hyperactive Latvian folk dancers dancing across my back - a great massage I have to say, with the only downside being unattractive shoe prints across the skin - it would mean a pay rise (won't VISA and Mastercard, my true bosses, be tinkled pink?) and a promotion (see there are way too many downsides! LOL) and a fast track to the gloriously dizzy heights of management. That hasn't really been a focus of mine, and truth be told I would rather be grabbing Pulitzers from thin air, and/or giving Harry Potter a run for his money, but in lieu of present literary success and widespread throughly deserved acclaim, its a great guarantee I would get the job, of course (although a bribe here and a bribe there and.....) but its certainly an intriguing idea, and incredibly flattering to be head hunted (and not in the icky cannibalistic way, which doesn't appear to have much to offer besides drastic weight loss and a more streamlined, albeit dead, body) for the first time in my young life....OK semi-young life.....regardless, a very cool thing to have happen on a day that started with me cursing my colleagues in the USA and UK for failing to follow through on overnight requests....and after we joined their happy little coalition of fools and attacked Iraq to the obvious delight of the grateful populace (haha)! The nerve! So not a complete beige toned washout of a day....

I have an appointment with my career coach tomorrow night, the delightful, and very good at what she does, Jane, and one of the tasks was to get 20 people I know - so far managed 10 - to say (A) What I do best and (B) What they admire about me.......and so far all positive responses thank goodness!! Not that I exactly keep in close touch with my avowed enemies so the likelihood of a negative evaluation was reduced considerably....this is a technique used by many third world dictators to ensure that only nice things are ever said about them - surround yourself with people who like you, or at least, say they like you, and then point proudly at the stellar evaluations of your despotic rule.....either that or have a kick ass secret police with tons of weapons to threaten your cowering populace.....having no access to any secret police, or even some incredibly indiscreet brazen ones with no self-editing facilities at all, and being very low on actual weapons - make that none at all, save a particularly savage egg whisk - I opted to just email friends and family, and the results were lovely....seems I have some great qualities, and while I am well aware of my many flaws and limitation - D'oh! A good dictator never admits to flaws etc, so clearly my lifelong goal to rule over Burkina Fasso will likely be turned down on the grounds that I am a freaking big self-aware softie - it was wonderful to have people tell me what they like about me....yes that warm inner glow will keep me toasty warm through another chilly Winter night...

Ok time to finish off my homework for Jane - probably shouldn't be admitting I still have some to do the night before I see Jane - Jane, if you are reading this, please utilise what I am sure is your latent gift for selective amnesia, and forgot that last sentence! I finished it all really before you gave it to me such are my organisational and time prioritising skills- and watch some TV till my brain shrivels and dies and I am capable of nothing beyond dribbling and enunciating half-formed single syllables.....ah modern media, how I love do all the thinking for me, which on a 'school night' is just what the "ER" doctor ordered......


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