Thursday, April 17, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 107: Rhinos ... and @FatBellyBella

Off to an appointment with C'link today and saw one of the rhinos scattered throughout the City just outside of Hyde park on the way into Oxford Street. Very colourful and I adored it!

And then a day at work with Max Coaching, off to The Star with Fahmi to see Erykah Badu. Food was amazing beforehand and Ms Badu was BRILLIANT! LOVED the concert - and was one of 6 people invited to an after concert event at a small cafe in Liverpool Street thanks to tweeting out a shot of us at the concert. Alas Fahmi couldn't go because his back was killing him - mine for once was not - and so we headed home. But how cool to have made that list!

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