Monday, April 11, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 99 (Saturday 9 April) -

One of my favourite Saturday rituals, apart from waking up next to the man I love (always a good thing), is reading the Sydney Morning Herald, which comes in a size so big it would likely sink small ships were it ever loaded onto them. I don't always get the chance to wallow in the surfeit of new current affairs information it contain but the mere promise of all that possible reading, and the absorption of new and interesting knowledge is a lovely prospect after a busy, rushed week when you fear that much has been missed in the commuting rat race....

First up, is Spectrum, full of all the latest music, cinema, TV and book news and reviews, manna from heaven for a pop culture junkie like myself. I always go straight to the music reviews to see what latest albums should feed my voracious appetite for new music, then it's the articles at the front, followed by movies, and the book reviews.

Then it's Good Weekend. Not necessarily to read all the articles, which demands uninterrupted time, say on a very lazy Sunday, but to do the quiz with my gorgeous guy, a tradition which started when we first started going out, and has happily kept going. We don't always do as well as we'd like (surprising given the sheer volume of information, useless and otherwise we have both ingested over the years) but it's fun, a together-moment usually carried out snuggled up against each other.

Then I throw myself headlong into the front news-of-the-day section, followed by News Review for meaty news analysis and Traveller, so I can dream of all those overseas trips I'd love to take but haven't quite found the time to do yet.

 Oh and the rest of the paper? Don't really care even though I do occasionally read the Business section. It's usually discarded the moment I walk in the door, and heads straight for the recycling box, while I grab something to eat and snuggle down for a long, lazy, non-commuting read....


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