Thursday, November 11, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 315 : It'll Be All Write on the Day!

So I have reached Day 11 of my writing fiesta and the first thing I must mention is that writing when you have had a good night's sleep is infinitely better han trying to write, like I did yesterday after three nights of 5-6 hours sleep. While I like to think I can pack a million things into one day and skimp on the sleep, and get away with it, my body, which is wilful and refuses to follow the script I set for it, won't accept that for a minute, and actually insists on recharging in order to function properly! I know! How weird is that?

Well, not so weird as it turns out. Contrast yesterday when my brain felt like molasses-soaked cotton wool, and moved with about as much speed, and writing was torture as my brain refused to spit the words with anything like the efficiency and creativity I wanted (I have a daily word quota on this Write a Novel in a Months schtick and I was in danger of dropping below it) with today when the words tumbled out like lemmings on amphetamines running over a cliff (a big ass cliff baby!) and I reached and surpassed the 2000 word limit with ease and time to spare.

Of course, I have learnt this many times before, and yet, hostage to my extrovert tendencies as I am, I keep forgetting to heed it. Hopefully this time it sticks.

Yeah I don't hold much hope of that either, but a boy can dream right?


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