Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Project 289 - Day 64 : Raindrops Keeping Falling On My.....Trousers? Damn What a Pointless Umbrella!

Today was officially Weird Weather Day.

Well, perhaps, not 'officially'. Unless there is some strange organisation tucked away in a non-descript concrete building in Geneva or Brussels, and there likely is, decreeing that a particular day will be designated as such so as to draw attention to the desperate plight weird weather. We must stop it's suffering!

But I digress. The weather went racing from rainy to deluge-like to sunny in patches to blue skies and back to rainy deluges all afternoons like some strange battle between climatic forces, in which frankly I and many other commuters, were the losers. Makes it all sound very dramatic doesn't it? Alas it wasn't. Snug and safe - well as snug and safe as you can be seated in the Cubicle of Death and Greyness - it wasn't so bad watching the rain come pelting down. 

But frankly I would have enjoyed it far more with a good book in my hand, Ellen Degeneres on the TV, and a doona thrown over me. Then rain watching could have continued apace, the weather could have gotten as weird as it's crazy mind wanted, and I wouldn't have cared a jot.

Hopefully it will be sunny tomorrow..... more rain you say? Then it looks like today's wacky weather was such a hit, they're doing it all over again tomorrow. Got to love those bizarre European based NGOs. Let's hope they never declare Mutant Feral Piranha Day....


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